1 min read

Optimus vs OptimusG1

I see the overall wealth of humanity to be increased by these bots, but if you can't pay for one, you can't play in the abundance created.
Optimus vs OptimusG1
How much for this model?

Will the world's economy truly ever achieve abundance?

Tesla and many, many others have been designing and releasing humanoid and task-specific robots, androids and cuddle-buddy companions for decades now. Are we to believe that because of demographics and the general aging-out of North America (read world)'s population, that we are to comprehend that low level, base jobs that used to be filled by: offspring, students and new Canadians, are now to be filled by these bots? And if so, these bots are to yield wealth and abundance for us above the statistical, mean range of those who can afford such bots as to increase our wealth?

I see the overall wealth of humanity to be increased by these bots, but if you can't pay for one, you can't play in the abundance created.

Regardless of how you quantify money, be it a calculation of energy or a more generalized store of wealth we cannot argue that more wealth will be created due to these new contributors to our economy. It's just the distribution that is in question....

Patrick O'Neal