1 min read

Patient Records in Nova Scotia need an immutable, blockchain solution immediately.

Now, I'm not here to grandstand on that issue, but to provide an immediate solution to a problem that is spreading its way incessantly throughout the entire medical system.
Patient Records in Nova Scotia need an immutable, blockchain solution immediately.

Cardano can do it. We just need a government willing to take the "risk".

While booking an appointment with one's doctor during the pandemic may have dicey at best for some, going to a walk-in clinic has proved a life saver for most of us looking for a short-term and immediate solution. The problem that arises here in our most beautiful, precious province, is that currently we have a doctor shortage...a big shortage. Now, I'm not here to grandstand on that issue, but to provide an immediate solution to a problem that is spreading its way incessantly throughout the entire medical system.

If one doesn't have a doctor and visits one of the many clinics in our province, there seemingly is no master record service. We rely on a system whereby one needs to have an actual, assigned doctor to be the master wielder of your medical file. Seemingly, one could have had health issues your whole life...be it all over the province, country (or let's make this modern here, the globe) and there would be no master file. If we implemented a smart contract token (read distributed ledger) at the patient/clinic/DR level, we could develop a block chain-based patient record system. Whereby we have a master record of all your health incidents, immutable and constantly updated on the web. Transparency at the clinic and DR/Patient level is an immediate benefit and ease of access to your files and medical history is another obvious one.

Together, we as a province are going to have to come up with a wide variety of options to get more doctors to stay here in our province.

But the time to act is now. Preserving our patient records is of the utmost importance.

Our province is aging, there is turnover, and time is of the essence.

Please don't let our records get lost. Let's act now before we have a more urgent issue.

Patrick O'Neil.