2 min read

The History of Halifax

Our house was different. Halifax is different. YOU reading this are different. Now, like all families, cliques and communities; we have societal pressures, growths and setbacks…
The History of Halifax

What does Halifax mean to you?

I’ve always had a fascination with the past. What once was, what we
can learn from it and where we are headed. Dartmouth, Halifax, Canada,
and of course, my family were always swirling around my head as I tried to
fit that complex relationship together.
My father instilled upon me a great duty with regards to
family, the community, and our country. We can only grow from our roots,
so, nurture them with care.

Growing up in Dartmouth, our house was modern, a common 1980’s
split entry. Our new carpet, freshly mown lawn and (relatively) open
minded neighbourhood was interspersed with old heirlooms and
keepsakes from the past. A Knights of Columbus sword, a wooden
shoeshine box, a hand-made wooden Chess set that my grandfather
crafted sometime after his service in the Black Watch. These were all
treasures hidden under the stairs, or next to the woodpile wrapped up in an
old cub blanket next to the pantry…just waiting to be discovered by a
precocious young boy.

I always wanted to know more about my family and craved the
comfort of these trinkets during the long weeks when Dad was away on
business trips. These relics, these keepsakes, these windows into our
family’s past opened up a portal into my soul. From an early age I wanted
to know what brought us here. Where I came from and why would Dad save
these things when so many others just carelessly disregarded and threw
out the past.

Our house was different. Halifax is different. YOU reading this
are different. Now, like all families, cliques and communities; we have
societal pressures, growths and setbacks, but the key is to be aware,
acknowledge and make changes. There are some uncomfortable realities in
the history of our town. Outdated ideas, language and especially thought
processes that came bubbling up during the process of putting this book

I have always believed that Halifax was a welcoming, accepting town.
One that…was different. More open..less…racist then the segregated
South, the cold unforgiving West, that some-how WE were different.
The reality is that everyone likes to believe that they are the good guy. The
special one fighting for real Justice as they see it. The true cause.

For every Bane there’s a Batman. I truly believe that we all have a
little Joker in us deep down inside…maybe a Loki too.
You see I’ve learned a lot about myself, my town, my Halifax
throughout the years and by me sharing this book with you, I hope that you
too can learn as much about the origins of Halifax as I did.
Much love to you and your family

Patrick O’Neal and Molly Johnson.