1 min read

Verbal AK Spray

Honey burnt me, roast. I like honey on my toast Forever with the boast, I'm the AX with the most Tick Tock I've never clocked a lyrical session like this Horny in the morning and I gotta take a Wizz Caulk up the ammo, my magazine is a hit
Verbal AK Spray

Honey burnt me, roast.  I put butter on my toast

Forever with the boast, I'm the AX with the most

Tick Tock I've never clocked a lyrical session like this

Horny in the morning and I gotta take a Wizz

Caulk up the ammo, my magazine is a hit

Listen to the music and don't get lost in this biz

Daily, lately, I'm sprockets to these squids

Gesundheit! You sneezed but I've got nothing left to give

Narcs be vampires sucking blood from this kid

Little does he know that it's all in his head

So today we move onward and forget our past, forgive

Tomorrow is a brighter day, Our foundation's strong within.