1 min read

Walmart to Invest 1B Nationwide This Year

Walmart to Invest 1B Nationwide This Year

Or what HRM should be spending on potholes.

Walmart is investing in a 3.5 billion multi-year growth and customer experience initiative with the Omni customer experience initiative, and they are:

Renovating over 150 stores over the next three years – over one-third of the store   network
New investments are in addition to over $1 billion invested into remodeling and   opening stores over the past five years
Accelerating digitization to create “smarter stores”, including:
Expanded electronic shelf labels, shelf scanners to monitor product volumes, robotics and computer vision cameras to simplify, minimize touches and maximize efficiency and accuracy
A new checkout experience to reduce touchpoints, including tap-to-pay, new    bigger self-checkout and “Check Out With Me” mobile payment technology    to allow associates to checkout customers anywhere in the store.

Accelerating the omni offering for customers and creating thousands of new omni associate jobs:
Expanding the full “Walmart Pickup” offering to approximately 270 stores – or    70% of locations – by end of 2020
Piloting “hybrid locations” – supercentres with “micro fulfilment centres” in their    backroom to increase the speed of fulfilment for pickup and delivery
Investing in new technology to:
   Accelerate the pickup experience, including advanced notification and
   Improve our fulfilment centre operations to increase speed and trackability

It looks like things are about to get more automated. How much of this is allocated to driverless vehicles, Optimus' on the floor and robots in the warehouse? Can we get goode ole Sam Walton to at least fix a few potholes out front of our local centers?


Patrick O'Neal