1 min read

War of Two Worlds

In a future where bloody wars are a thing of the past, humanity is unknowingly, albeit willingly, enslaved by an all-encompassing Autocratic government at war
War of Two Worlds

***Or the Tri-wielding Economies

In a future where bloody wars are a thing of the past, humanity is unknowingly, albeit willingly, enslaved by an all-encompassing Autocratic government at war. A faction of equally powerful, (although focused economically quite differently), competing Economies, are waging a silent war on the populous. Each citizen is participating in this global conspiracy via a war in each of their respective minds. They have hacked our infostructure, our systems of Gov't and even the brains of top officials. Battles are now won virtually, or at least, 5 steps removed via malware in the brain. Citizens act out in various ways in order to self-delete or cause maximum chaos. School shootings, suicides, internal family and racial struggles all prove effective means of sewing discord and eliminating the threat of the enemy all on its own soil. Now that the battlefield has been brought to our homes and our minds, the polarization of the various factions has turned their reality of living in a hermit kingdom into a global reality for the rest of us.

Whilst the world is seemingly at peace, the mental meat grinder is hard at work.

Patrick O'Neal