2 min read

World War Zed

While the author of World War Z was commenting on U.S. (read Western) isolationism, it holds true to the emerging global reality that sticking our heads in the sands isn't going to placate this dictator.
World War Zed

This movie just got real

Saltwire's Scott Taylor's article: "Tough sell of spending billions more on Canadian military" claims that this is: "Music to the ears of those executives toiling in the military industrial complex. To me, the call to increase spending is more like an operatic expression of compassion and love to the men, women and children of a battle-scarred former territory of one of the most systematically brutal and vicious regimes left on earth. One where Putin has effectively ruled for over two decades. Putin's first Premiership was in 1999, then acting President, then two Presidential terms, second premiership, another Presidential term and now acting out his fourth term which is to ***Expire in 2024. Putin's dynasty was birthed from an essentially failed state and all the vodka in the world can't placate the rest of us.

For most of the developed world, the violence and brutality of war was but a thing of the past, whereby we hoped, (through NATO, the UN and the Hague) that communication had proved itself to be the true victor of our global conscious development. But what scares me about our vaunted position as being strategically located halfway across the world, is our inability to see the global creep of instability that has befallen us.

There are many factors at play in this world and the Ukraine is a buttress, a proxy. Do not let our warm beds lull you into slumber without realizing that the threat is at Ukraine's (read Europe, read our) front door.

Now with Scott's headline I would hope that his major concern would be the inflation hit and resulting loss in purchasing power as a country we would incur due to the *Billions more spent on military aid. This argument should be remedied quite easily by looking at the printing of the U.S. Money supply and the large amount of spending right here at home this past decade...Inflation's here, billions more is but a paltry sum compared to the trillions already earmarked, spent and previously pork barreled. Now one could argue that spending billions is akin to conservative war mongering and isn't in the best *interest of our home and native land. I would intimate that in order to continue the Canadian way of life, our freedoms, rights and responsibilities occasionally do have to be exported. Right now, today is the time.

While the author of World War Z was commenting on U.S. (read Western) isolationism, it holds true to the emerging global reality that sticking our heads in the sands isn't going to placate this dictator. Perhaps some kind of golden bridge could be erected metaphorically for our little Rasputin and Putin can save face in his own, hermit kingdom kind of way.

Patrick O'Neal.